Welcome to UCLA Cal Teach!
The goal of our program is to encourage UCLA students who are studying math, science, and engineering to consider teaching math and science as a possible career. As such, we offer guided exploration of teaching as a career, and additional support and pathways for those who decide that teaching is for them. We are part of the UC-wide CalTeach Initiative with similar programs on nine UC campuses.
We offer:
- Courses that include school placements in elementary, middle, and high schools (science focus and math focus)
- Science Education Minor and Mathematics for Teaching Minor (Math department)
- Teaching credential pathways for undergraduates (Science: Science Teacher Education Program (STEP); Math: Joint Mathematics Education Program (JMEP) and Integrated Pathway.
- Advising for students exploring and preparing for teaching careers
- Support for subject matter preparation for credential exams
- Some financial assistance (S-STEM Scholarship, Noyce Scholarship)
For details, go to the "About Us" tab in menu above, or "Teach Science" or "Teach Math" tabs.
Why Cal Teach? Watch video
Explore teaching with UCLA Cal Teach. Share your passion for science and math, interact with children, and give back to the community. Our service learning courses include placements at local elementary, middle and high schools where you will be partnered with an expert mentor teacher to learn more about the teaching profession, and improve your communication, outreach and teaching skills. UCLA Cal Teach will provide you with valuable skills and experience whether you decide to pursue teaching or some other profession. If you do choose to teach, we will advise you every step of the way.