Pedagogical Content Preparation: The Math 75XP Seminar

Math 75XP is a 3-unit seminar course designed to expose students to current issues in middle school mathematics education. Students will learn pedagogical strategies for teaching middle school mathematics and examine the middle school mathematics curriculum from a pedagogical perspective. Students will complete readings of relevant mathematics education research as well.

Field Experience: Observations in a Middle School

Students will observe and help out with mathematics teaching in a local middle school during the quarter in which they take Math 75XP. Students will keep field notes of their observations and discuss them in the Math 75XP seminar. The field experience requirement is approximately 2.5 to 3 hours per week; 20 hours total during the quarter.

Content Preparation:

Students should be making regular progress toward a STEM major (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Other majors are welcome to apply and your eligibility is based on the amount of math classes you have completed.

You may only take Math 75XP one time. 


How to enroll in the course?

Submit an application on this website. Once accepted, we will send a PTE to enroll through MyUCLA.

Please check the UCLA Schedule of Classes or contact for the most up-to-date information on when the course is offered during the academic year.